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Self Assessment and the Value of Project Management Training: The Effect of Training on Assessment Inventory Scores (continued)
Each time participants take the Assessment Inventory, we ask them to complete an action plan for improvement. You should ask your boss to open the Excel spreadsheet and to honestly evaluate your project management skills. Ask 3 or 4 co-workers to do the same, provide an honest evaluation. Then, you should schedule a meeting with these people, discuss your strengths and your weaknesses, and ask the group to help you prioritize the weaknesses. Select the #1 weakness and record its improvement over time on a chart. Ask the people to monitor this improvement frequently and to provide positive reinforcement for successes. This will improve your skills and the skills of all the other people in the group.

Every person in “green” group completed the action plan for improvement. All the people in the “blue” group work in the same department as “green.” They helped evaluate and monitor improvement of “green.” The “blue” scores are not just better, they are statistically better, meaning that the “blue” group without formal Project Management training scored nearly as well as people in “Project-Based Organizations.”