- Consistency of purpose.
- Refuse to allow commonly
accepted levels of delay for mistakes, defective
material, defective workmanship.
- Cease dependence
upon mass inspection.
- Reduce the number of suppliers.
Buy on statistical evidence, not price.
- Search
continually for problems in the system and
seek improvements.
- Institute on the job training.
- Adopt and institute
leadership aimed at helping people to do
a better job.
- Eliminate fear, encourage two-way communication.
- Break down barriers between departments.
- Encourage
problem solving through teamwork.
- Eliminate the
use of numerical goals, slogans, poster for
the workforce.
- Eliminate arbitrary numerical targets.
- Remove barriers
to pride of workmanship.
- Institute a vigorous
program of education and training to keep
people abreast of new
developments in materials,
methods, and technologies.
- Clearly define
top management’s permanent
commitment to quality and productivity.
W. Edwards
Out of the Crisis |