WBS Representations (continued)
The WBS dictionary is less often seen than the other two forms of the WBS, but it is just as important. The WBS dictionary contains all the information that can’t fit in that little box on the WBS Chart or into the input field on the computer program. A WBS dictionary would consist of a dictionary entry for each WBS element on the chart or list. Notice the similarity between the items in a WBS dictionary and the Task Assignment Form we encountered earlier.

Typical WBS Dictionary entries include the following:

  • WBS Code

  • Title

  • Description

  • Deliverables

  • Inputs and Outputs

  • Objectives

  • Performance, Technical, and Quality Standards

  • Traceability to Requirements
  • Scope Boundaries (What’s In/ What’s Out)

  • Interfaces (Physical, Process, Data, Organizational)

  • Responsible Person

  • Performing Organization

  • Schedule

  • Allocated Budget and Budget Details