Products & Services - MHU (Mobile Hospital Unit) - Mobile Tent (Public Health care) - Vetter Germany
- Mobile Vehicle
- Hospital Equipment & Accessories - Imaging and Radiology unit - Alpinion Brand
- Italray
- Osteosys
- PACS system Voyager
- Surgical - Disposbale Surgical Usage
- Electrosurgical Unit Zerone Korea
- Orthoselect Germany
- OT Table and Light Source
- Suction Machine MG Electric Cochester UK
- Surgical instrument Schreiber Germany
- Physiotherapy - EB neuro Italy
- Iskramedical Slovenia
- Urology
- Anaesthesia - Fitz Stephan (Germany)
- GF FOURES ( France)
- Trismed ( Korea)
- Truelife Pressure Care Ireland
- Cosumable - Biospace Korea
- MPI Japan
- Spengler (France)
- Dental
- Laboratory - Allmed Germany
- Human lab Korea
Experiences - Government
- Private