“100% Fully Vaccinated Organization”

- EPC Contractor
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RGK+Z&A GROUP Management are so proud that the number of people who sign on this leadership upgrade program (ACTION-CENTERED LEADERSHIP) by Prof. Dr Aung Tun Thet.

About 50 persons from Z&A, will renew or learn for improving their Talent Skill. Regarding the training contents, the full command of three main areas such as the Task, the Team and the Individual have been shared to the participants by Prof. Dr Aung Tun Thet.

Logistics Assistant (Male/Female) 2 posts

Job Description

  • Able to assist the overall process of import license application
  • Able to assist for the preparing and checking the Shipping documents for import/ export 
  • Coordinating with project team, shipping lines, forwarding agent and customer clearance team
  • Performing administrative tasks such as maintaining records of shipments, updating databases of inventory and filing.
  • Able to assist the others duties of administrative tasks


Job Requirements


Career Opportunity

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Please download and fill out the "Application Form for Employment" and submit back together with the required documents and your recent passport photo.


Career Opportunity

Please download and fill out the "Application Form for Employment" and submit back together with the required documents and your recent passport photo.

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Please download and fill out the "Application Form for Employment" and submit back together with the required documents and your recent passport photo.

RGK+Z&A Application for Employment

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RGK+Z&A Application for Employment

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Nation-Building through Ease of Doing Business – Part 2

We would like to share a Business Talk on “Nation-Building through Ease of Doing Business” part (2) which was broadcast by MRTV, the panelists were U Aung Htoo, Deputy Minister for Commerce, U Tin Aung, General Manager of Yangon Electricity Supply Corporation (YESC), Daw Hlaing Maw Oo, Secretary of the Yangon City Development Committee (YCDC) and U Zeya Thura Mon, EC Member of Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI).
Business Talk
Credit - MRTV

