How to navigate through this Program
The course should have launched automatically when you inserted the CD. You can also launch the program by double-clicking the file named index.htm.

The Main Menu links you to all the other lessons.

Click on a lesson title to start that lesson.

Use the navigation buttons at the bottom of the pages or the links on each Lesson Menu to move around within each lesson. You may also click the "breadcrumbs" found near the top of each page to navigate back to the beginning of the lesson or to the Main Menu.

Return to the Main Menu to select different lessons.

We strongly recommend that you proceed through the lessons in the order listed in the Main Menu. The lessons build on each other, and you are likely to miss important points if you use a different sequence. Have your internet connection open, your speakers at an audible volume, and Adobe Acrobat Reader open as you work through the course. (The latest version of the Acrobat Reader is available for free download from